We will also stream this seminar via Zoom. For the link, please email: pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu Join us for short talks given by our new MindCORE Fellows. Titles and abstracts forthcoming A pizza lunch will be served. Please bring your own beverage.
Event Category: All Events
- Category All Events
- From January 1, 2018
Grant Berry Amazon Adapting to change: Cognitive and experiential factors in real-time phonetic drift Speech processing is both rapid and flexible despite the gradient and noisy nature of linguistic input. While variation in speech input may influence speech output, it does not always do so. Yet, for individuals to adopt structured speech patterns […]
This seminar will also stream via Zoom. For the link, please email: jmarcus@upenn.edu Richard Krauzlis Senior Investigator, Visual Circuits Section NEI Title and abstract forthcoming
Naz Dikecligil Gottfried Lab University of Pennsylvania Title and abstract forthcoming A pizza lunch will be served.
Graduate students and postdocs are encouraged to join the speaker for lunch after the seminar. To sign up for a spot, please email: pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu Alex Huth Departments of Computer Science & Neuroscience University of Texas at Austin Title and abstract forthcoming A pizza lunch will be served. Please bring your own beverage. […]