Jonathan David Bobaljik Harvard University The Itelmen Inclusive Imperative: Composing Clusivity he Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages have a complex agreement pattern that includes both prefixes (marking subjects) and suffixes (marking transitive objects or intransitive subjects). Intransitive subjects are thus doubly marked, once by the prefix and again by the suffix. Older texts show a previously […]
Graduate students and postdocs are encouraged to join the speaker for lunch after the seminar. To sign up for a spot, please email: Angeles Salles Department of Biological Sciences University of Illinois, Chicago Social Behavior and Acoustic Communication in Bats Bats are auditory specialists, using acoustic signals to guide their behaviors, […]
Graduate students and postdocs are encouraged to join the speaker for lunch after the seminar. To sign up for a spot, please email: Nanthia Suthana Department of Neurosurgery Duke University Title and abstract forthcoming A pizza lunch will be served. Please bring your own beverage. We will also stream this […]
Join us for virtual short talks by MindCORE Fellowship candidates. For the Zoom link, please email: Candidate information and talk titles forthcoming
This seminar will also stream via Zoom. For the link, please email: Dora Hermes Mayo Clinic Title and abstract forthcoming