
Social Inferences and Norm Nudging Prof. Cristina Bicchieri Tuesday Oct. 13, 4:30-5:50pm ET Abstract: Norm nudging relies upon informing people about what others do or approve of. However, there has been little study about what people infer from such messages. I show that the valence of the message and the frequency and dispersion of the […]

ILST Seminar: Nicole Holliday

October 16, 2020
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

ILST WEEKLY SEMINAR SERIES Speaker: Nicole Holliday Time: 10/16, 1:30pm-3:30pm Location: Zoom. If you wish to attend this weekly seminar and want to be added to our email list, or if you would like to take an available slot, please contact Victor Gomes (   Click here for more information