Events / Norms and Behavior Change (NoBeC) Speaker Series: Michael Hallsworth

Norms and Behavior Change (NoBeC) Speaker Series: Michael Hallsworth

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online offering

Michael Hallsworth
Managing Director, BIT Americas

A New Manifesto for Applied Behavioral Science”


Opening Talk will be given by Wharton grad student Zhiying (Bella) Ren, who is presenting “Social Motives for Sharing Conspiracy Theories.” The main insights of Bella’s work were recently discussed in this article.


Everyone is welcome to attend and can register here:


NoBeC (Norms and Behavioral Change) Talks showcase interdisciplinary early career and senior researchers working on norms and behavioral change around the world. Organized by the Penn Center for Social Norms and Behavioral Dynamics in partnership with the Penn Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE) program.