MindCORE SONA Participant Recruitment
The MindCORE SONA website is a platform for research participant recruitment on which Penn researchers studying the human mind and/or behavior can advertise paid research opportunities to the Penn community and general public.
For Participants: Those interested in signing up for paid research studies can make an account here.
For Researchers: Those wishing to recruit participants for their research studies can follow the checklists below.
STEP 1: Creating Researcher/P.I. accounts:
- All studies must be associated with a Penn faculty member with a P.I. Sona account; please email to consent from the participating faculty member(s) to have an account created with their email address
- Non-faculty researchers may request a researcher account by emailing the following to 1) Name and email address & 2) CITI Human Subject Research training certificate
- Note: In lieu of sending individual CITI training certificates, P.I.’s or lead researchers can sign the MindCORE Sona Researcher Agreement confirming that researchers associated with their study will have been trained in alignment with Penn’s IRB requirements. To create a shared lab Researcher account accessible by multiple lab members, please sign the MindCORE Sona Multi-Researcher Account Agreement. These forms should be sent to
STEP 2: Creating & posting a study:
- First, make sure your study matches the following criteria:
- It is a PAID research opportunity for a rate of at least $10/hour (see Psychology’s Sona website for studies done for class credit)
- Its research topic is related to the mind/brain and/or social/behavioral studies
- It is approved by Penn’s IRB
- It is being overseen/supervised by a Penn faculty member
- If your study fits the above criteria, individuals with Researcher or P.I. accounts can create a study listing (instructions can be found in the Sona Systems Manual)
- You can then submit your study for approval through Sona & send the following to
- Proof of IRB approval
- Copy of your study’s consent forms
Any questions or comments can be sent to
MindCORE Pavlovia
Pavlovia is a place for the wide community of researchers in the behavioral sciences to run, share, and explore experiments online. Pavlovia’s open architecture supports a range of experiment implementation software including PsychoPy, jsPsych, and lab.js. Those with a Penn email address have free access to Pavlovia.
Any questions or comments can be sent to
PCIbex (Penn Controller)
PennController for Internet Based Experiments (“PennController” or “PCIbex” for short) provides the tools to build and run online experiments, from familiar paradigms like self-paced reading to completely custom-designed paradigms. Penn-affiliates can request accounts on the Penn-specific setup:
Any questions or comments can be sent to
Broader Impacts Support
MindCORE provides faculty support and resources for the Broader Impacts section of NSF grants and comparable funding requirements. MindCORE offers several opportunities for faculty to engage in outreach programs designed to advance desired societal outcomes through research and education (see list of program opportunities here).
To request a Letter of Support from MindCORE, please email the following to 1) Title of your proposed grant submission, 2) deadline for the letter & 3) a copy of the final submission where you specify MindCORE’s support.
If you have questions or would like to discuss potential outreach opportunities or collaborations with MindCORE, please reach out to
Promoting Diversity, Inclusivity, & Social Equity
At Penn
Reporting incidences of bias at Penn
SAS inclusion & diversity statement
General Resources
Anti-racism Resources, Support, & Actions
Leaning in to engaging with social justice content
Wellness & Self-Care for BIPOC in Academia
Podcast Episode: BIPOC Navigating Grad School BIPOC Grad Student Resources
10 Simple Rules for Building an Anti-Racist Lab
Doctoral Program Resources for Minority Students
Society for Black Brain & Behavioral Scientists (Twitter; Facebook)
Association of Black Psychologists
Hooded: a black girl’s guide to the PhD
“Talking About Race & Inequity in Science” Guide for Students & Postdocs
“Talking About Race & Inequity in Science” Guide for Faculty
Concrete Steps for Recruiting, Supporting, and Advancing
Underrepresented Minoritized Scientists
Avoiding gender bias in letter writing
Avoiding racial bias in letter writing
MindCORE YouTube
Visit our YouTube channel for recordings of our MindCORE Seminars, Behind the CV series, Endowed Pinkel Lectures, and faculty presentations from our annual Undergraduate Summer Fellowship Program.
Volunteering, Outreach, & Mentoring Opportunities
Resources for All Academic Stages
Power in Academia (zine on sexual misconduct)
Industry career options for neuroscience/psych trainees
Evaluating non-academic career paths
10 simple rules for writing a manuscript
Academic writing: using tenses in a manuscript
Data visualization, building a visual vocabulary
How to review a paper (a guide to writing reviews editors and authors will appreciate)
Twitter for Academic Engagement
List of Behavioral Science Companies
The Professor Is In (Advice for graduate school, academic job market and more)
Recommendations: Overview of Letters of Recommendation & References
Undergraduate Resources
ImaginePhD – a career exploration & planning tool for the Humanities & Social Sciences
Applying to Post-Graduate Research Positions in Psychology
List of Undergraduate & Post-Bac programs in Cognitive Neuroscience
List of REU (Research Experience for Undergraduate) sites
Graduate Degrees Reference Guide
How to write a CV and cover letter (in depth guide with examples)
Resources for finding a post-bacc research job (e.g. lab manager, research assistant)
Applying to Graduate School
How to know you’re ready to apply to grad programs
Why and How to Email Faculty Prior to Applying for Grad School
Questions to ask during your PhD interview and when deciding on a program
Spreadsheet of factors to evaluate in making a graduate school decision
How to prepare for graduate school interviews
Templates for asking for a letter of recommendation
Tips for navigating your application
Tips for having phone/video calls with potential PIs
Email template for getting in touch with prospective mentors/lab heads
Tips for applying to clinical psychology graduate programs
How to evaluate fit with a potential graduate advisor
How to pick a graduate advisor
Sample personal statement and interviewing tips
Applying to grad school on a budget and navigating the system
ImaginePhD – a career exploration & planning tool for the Humanities & Social Sciences
Graduate Student Resources
Collated graduate school resources
A field guide to grad school: uncovering the hidden curriculum
Career Skills toolkit: from PhD to postdoc
Make your development plan (set and meet goals, evaluate multiple STEM career paths)
ImaginePhD – a career exploration & planning tool for the Humanities & Social Sciences
Postdoctoral Resources
Annual Reports
Click below to see MindCORE’s annual reports from past years: