
We believe outreach means connecting science to new people and places, especially those that have been historically underserved.

 We connect our science to new people and places by:

  • Enhancing public understanding of human intelligence and behavior
  • Broadening participation of young scientists from groups typically underrepresented in cognitive and brain science
  • Informing policy-making across governmental levels with insights about human behavior and decision making
  • Supporting and encourage faculty and young investigator outreach initiatives in our community
  • Inspiring the next generation of explorers of the mind

Learn more about our outreach programs below: 

(Questions? Reach out to us at pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu)

MindCORE Associate Director Russell Richie presenting to a class of Upward Bound students from West Philadelphia.

Penn Cognitive Science Tours

We offer tours of cognitive science sites at Penn and Pennovation Works. Students can see service dogs trained to navigate rubble during search and rescue, robots built out of origami, birds whose behavior is tracked in a ‘smart aviary’, machines that can see what your brain is doing while you perceive, think, and act, and more.

MindCORE Outreach Library

We maintain a collection of exhibits, demonstrations, and educational tools to be used for scientific outreach by the Penn and Philadelphia communities
DivE In is a trainee-founded mentorship initiative that serves students from backgrounds underrepresented in academia who are interested in applying to PhD programs in the mind sciences. To reduce inequities these students face, we organize a yearly weekend workshop intensive that is focused on demystifying the ins and outs of graduate school applications.

Pop-Up Labs

MindCORE scientists create temporary labs in public spaces where community members can learn about and participate in the scientific process of discovery

Large Language Model Game

MindCORE, the Data Driven Discovery Initiative, and Penn Libraries have created a game to illustrate how large language models work. Contact MindCORE Associate Director Russell Richie to learn more.

Beyond Academia

Beyond Academia features panel discussions and a networking lunch with non-professor PhDs. The annual event offers insight into opportunities outside academia for doctorate holders, helping them bring their knowledge and skills to new places.

All of our outreach activities strive to meet the University’s 2023 strategic plan In Principle and Practice, which prioritizes integration of Penn with the wider local community.

UPenn Partners & Resources for Science Education