Events / CNI Seminar: Cory Miller

CNI Seminar: Cory Miller

March 18, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

111 Levin Building

Graduate students and postdocs are encouraged to join the speaker for lunch after the seminar. To sign up for a spot, please email: 


Cory Miller
Department of Psychology
UC San Diego


How monkeys ‘really’ see the world


The primate vision is amongst the most thoroughly studied of all neural systems. And yet, we know shockingly little about how this system actually works in natural, real-world settings. Here I will present new research with marmoset monkeys  that aims to bridge this gap. I will discuss a recent studies at the core of this line of work, including describing the natural visual behaviors of wild marmosets and new insights into primate visual behavior and the related activity of neurons in primary visual cortex using our innovative head-mounted eye-tracking system. 


A pizza lunch will be served.