Events / CNS Public Talk Series: David Nutt

CNS Public Talk Series: David Nutt

April 4, 2019
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

The 2018-2019 Center for Neuroscience and Society (CNS) Talk Series focuses on Drugs, the Brain and Society. Lectures run 4:30-5:30 followed by discussion and a reception. Our lectures are free to attend, but due to limited seating, please rsvp to:


Thursday, April 4

Time to put brain science, not politics, at the centre of drug policy*
David Nutt, Neuropsychopharmacology, Imperial College
Location: TBA

With generous co-sponsorship by the Penn Law School


*This program has been approved for 1.5 substantive CLE credits for Pennsylvania lawyers. CLE credit may be available in other jurisdictions as well. Attendees seeking CLE credit should bring separate payment in the amount of $60.00 ($30.00 public interest/non-profit attorneys) cash or check made payable to The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.