Events / Moshe Vardi: From Logic to Technology and Back

Moshe Vardi: From Logic to Technology and Back

October 11, 2022
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Wu and Chen Auditorium (101 Levine Hall)


From Logic to Technology and Back

featuringMoshe Y. VardiKaren Ostrum George Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Engineering, Rice University

Watch a live webcast of the event at

This event is free and open to the public. If you have questions about this event, please contact Scott Weinstein at


Moshe Y. Vardi

Karen Ostrum George Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Engineering, Rice University

Vardi’s research spans automated reasoning, databases, computational complexity theory, and design specification and verification, and he is leading an initiative on Technology, Culture, and Society at Rice University. His many honors include the 2020 Alan Newell Award in recognition of his influential work at the interface of logic and computer science, and the 2021 Donald E. Knuth Prize for his “high-impact, seminal contributions to the foundations of computer science.”


PLEASE BE ADVISEDAt the request of the speaker, we will be requiring all in-person audience members to wear a mask.

The Thomas and Yvonne Williams Fund for the Advancement of Logic and Philosophy has been established at the University of Pennsylvania to expose a wide audience to the value of the correct application of reason. The goal is to present logic as the formal study of reason and philosophy as the application of reason to significant problems in human experience.