The upcoming schedule will be announced shortly.
R-Ladies Philly presents:
“Introduction to the Tidyverse”
The tidyverse is a collection of R packages that share an underlying, opinionated approach to data structure and analysis. The workshop will cover the basic steps of a data science workflow, importing, wrangling, and visualizing data, using the core tidyverse packages. Familiarity with R and Rmarkdown will be useful, but not required. Complete novices are encouraged to attend! We’ll be using RStudio Cloud for this workshop, so if you don’t have an account, please sign up for a free one ahead of time at https://login.rstudio.cloud/register.
About our speaker:
Kelsey Keith is a bioinformatics scientist at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research across the river in Camden, New Jersey. Her work focuses on research into the regulation of DNA, where she spends a lot of time wishing all R packages integrated together as smoothly as the tidyverse.
6.00 to 6.20pm: Pizza and networking
6.20 to 6.30pm: Welcome
6.30 to 8.00pm: Introduction to the Tidyverse
Code of conduct: