20 years of Experimental Pragmatics Symposium
The Symposium is organized for celebrating 20 years since the publication of two seminal works (co)authored by Ira Noveck that contributed to shape the research field of experimental pragmatics:
“When children are more logical than adults: experimental investigations of scalar implicature” (Noveck 2001, Cognition)
“The Costs and Benefits of Metaphor” (Noveck, Bianco, Castry 2001, Metaphor and Symbol)
The event will be organized in two afternoon sessions, one devoted to scalar implicatures and one devoted to metaphor. Moreover, the Symposium will be an occasion for sketching an instant overview of the state of the art and of future research lines of experimental pragmatics at its 20th year.
Invited Speakers:
The conference program will include talks by:
Lewis Bott (Cardiff University)
Richard Breheny (UCL – Psychology and Language Sciences)
Robyn Carston (UCL – Psychology and Language Sciences)
Raymond Gibbs (University of California)
Nausicaa Pouscoulous (UCL – Psychology and Language Sciences)
Walter Schaeken (University of Leuven)
Jesse Snedeker (Harvard University)
Napoleon Katsos (University of Cambridge)
Petra Schumacher (University of Cologne)
Valentina Bambini (University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia)
Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
The symposium will be held online. Participation is free.
Program: available on conference website
Zoom link: Coming soon