Event Category: All Events

  • Category All Events
  • From January 1, 2018
  • To December 30, 2019

Anita Allen Henry R. Silverman Professor of Law and Philosophy University of Pennsylvania   Location: Claudia Cohen Hall, Room 402   Toward a Philosophy of Privacy   Global human life has gone digital.  In the current period of rapid change, academically trained philosophers should be in the business of identifying conceptual and normative issues created by […]

Bradley C. Love Professor, Cognitive and Decision Sciences University College London   Location: JMHH 340 (Huntsman Hall, 3730 Walnut Street)   Coherency Seeking as a Driver of Preference In uncertain environments, effective decision makers balance exploiting options that are currently preferred against exploring alternative options that may prove superior. For example, a honeybee foraging for […]

with Adriana Renero (NYU) and Gabriel Reyes (MUDD)   Some philosophers claim that multiple cognitive processes contribute to introspection and some neuroscientists show that multiple cortical systems play a significant role in introspective processing (pluralist-process models). Although the contributions of these models have been significant in shedding light on introspection, they fail in providing an […]

CNI seminar: Shih-Wei Wu

April 16, 2019
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Shih-Wei Wu Institute of Neuroscience National Yang-Ming University   Probability estimation and its neurocomputational substrates   Many decisions we make depend on how we evaluate potential outcomes and estimate their probabilities of occurrence. Outcome valuation is subjective – it requires consulting the decision maker’s internal preferences and is sensitive to context. Probability estimation is also […]

Location: 200 Goddard Labs, 3710 Hamilton Walk   Penn grad students, postdocs and RAs, you are invited to lunch with interesting guests. Not a talk – they’ll take 10 minutes to introduce their work, then it’s pure conversation. Sandwiches and drinks served.   Dr. Rebecca Waller is an Assistant Professor of Psychology. She will be […]