
Chaz Firestone Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Johns Hopkins University   Taking a machine’s perspective   How similar is the human mind to the sophisticated machine-learning systems that can behave like it? Biologically inspired neural network models — including ever-more-popular DeepNets — have taken our field by storm, reaching human-level benchmarks in recognizing new […]

ILST seminar: Kajsa Djärv

April 5, 2019
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Kajsa Djärv Department of Linguistics University of Pennsylvania   Factive verbs: a multi-dimensional approach to the syntax and meaning of assertion and presupposition   This talk looks at sentences like (1), which involve finite that-clauses embedded under different classes of verbs.   (1) John {said, believes, doubts, resents, discovered} that Mary likes Kraftwerk.   Semantically, […]