A MindCORE student and staff member running a table for Penn's Bring Your Kids to Work Day

Outreach FUND

MindCORE has dedicated funds to support initiatives and activities that build and enhance outreach — bringing science to where it traditionally is not. Funds could be used for:

– Travel and accommodations to educate policy makers on cognitive/social science (e.g. COSSA Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C.)

– Supplies (fliers, tablecloth, giveaways) for an outreach table at a local community event (e.g., Clark Park)


1. Applications can be submitted by any student, postdoc, faculty or staff member affiliated with the University. We will prioritize applications from teams of personnel at different training stages (e.g., undergraduate + graduate students).

2. Events and programs occurring both on and off-campus will be considered, but funds for off-campus activities will be prioritized. However, there must be a direct connection between the activity or program and the MindCORE mission and goals. Ongoing activities may be considered along with new initiatives.

3. The maximum grant amount is $500 (although outstanding applications may be considered for more). MindCORE staff may be able to help with event coordination and purchasing supplies

4. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

5. All fund recipients must include the MindCORE logo or sponsorship statement on advertising. Fund recipients must also complete a post-event evaluation within 30 days of the activity’s completion, or at the end of the fiscal year for year-long initiatives.

Questions? Contact pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu

Tip: See also potential for support from the University Research Foundation (URF) of other support sources from the Office of the Provost: https://provost.upenn.edu/administrative-affairs/funding-opportunites

MindCORE Outreach Fund Application

2 + 10 =

Instructions for Awardees:


If relevant, please share your final event details with MindCORE prior to the event so we can publicize it. (Note, be sure publicity materials include the MindCORE logo or statement such as “Made possible in part with support from MindCORE”.)

Please submit the following evaluation within 30 days of your event, or at the end of the fiscal year for year-long activities. Additionally, if you have photos from your event, please share them with pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu.

MindCORE Activity Fund Evaluation

5 + 7 =

Tips for applicants:

  • Catering is expensive. Time your event to avoid catering. Host half-day events that end before or start after lunch so you do not need to feed attendees. Late afternoon events could feature only tea and fruit and cookies. That said, do not underestimate the power of pizza to draw a crowd.
  • Use free registration sites like evite.com to track attendees (and send reminders).