MindCore is pleased to offer high school classes tours of cognitive science labs, training facilities, workshops, and other sites at Penn and Pennovation Works. During these tours, students see cognitive science in action, including (but not limited to!) service dogs trained to navigate rubble during search and rescue, robots built out of origami, birds whose every move is tracked with cameras in a ‘smart aviary’, and machines that can see what your brain is doing while you perceive, think, and act.
On each tour, students first hear an introductory lecture about what cognitive science is, what studying it in college entails, and what careers you can pursue with a degree in cognitive science. Students then rotate through the sites, and finally regroup for a moderated discussion of the sites (and lunch, depending on time of day).
If you are interested in your high school class receiving such a tour, please contact MindCORE Associate Director Russell Richie (drrichie@sas.upenn.edu) to learn more. MindCORE may be able to provide a bus for schools without transportation access to Pennovation. You can also learn more by reading coverage of one of our tours in Penn Today. For scheduling reasons, we prefer to give tours in the spring and summer.