MindCORE seeks to bring together faculty and researchers with diverse approaches to the study of the mind, from disciplines across the Arts & Sciences, Medicine, Business, Engineering, and others in order to stimulate and support interdisciplinary investigation in an effort to understand human intelligence and behavior. Central to this goal are the scholarly efforts of our affiliated faculty, post-docs, and graduate students with formal affiliates defined in two tracks, Faculty and Associates.
The benefits available to all of our affiliates include eligibility to apply to the MindCORE Activity Fund and for research support; research dissemination; networking and professional development events; conference and seminars. To become a MindCORE Faculty affiliate, please apply here.
For exploring common topics and connections between (our) faculty, see this map of papers written by SAS faculty, created by Colin Twomey, former MindCORE Fellow and now Executive Director of the Data Driven Discovery Initiative.
Erol Akcay
Social evolution, evolution of behavior, evolutionary and ecological theory
Nick Betley
Uncovering the neural circuits and mechanisms that prioritize robust and adaptive responses to survival needs
Nancy Bonini
Using the fly Drosophila to study human neurodegenerative disease
Yun Ding
Understanding how genes and nervous systems evolve to encode novel behavioral patterns
Joshua B. Plotkin
Evolutionary theory, cooperation
Marc Schmidt
Using songbirds to study the neural bases of vocal production and sensorimotor integration
Danielle Bassett
The study of biological, physical, and social systems by using and developing tools from network science and complex systems theory
Konrad Kording
Data that matters, causality, uncertainty, deep learning, neurotech
Emily Falk
Taking an interdisciplinary communication neuroscience approach to link neural activity to behaviors at the individual, group and population levels
David Lydon-Staley
Studying moment-to-moment and day-to-day fluctuations in brain, behavior, and interpersonal and media environments to provide insight into substance use, emotion dynamics, and curiosity across the lifespan
Andy Tan
Aiming to advance communication science to achieve health equity
Chris Callison-Burch
Natural language processing, crowdsourcing
Sharath Chandra Guntuku
Predictive models for, and uncovering insight into, health outcomes and psychological states of individuals and communities
Andrew Head
Human-computer interaction · Programming · Reading
Danaë Metaxa
Bias and representation in algorithmic systems and content, focusing on high-stakes social settings like politics and employment, and in particular on the experiences of marginalized people
Lyle Ungar
Developing scalable machine learning and text mining methods for natural language, psychology, and medical research
Mark Yatskar
Natural language as a scaffold for visual intelligence; Understanding the role of human biases in machine learning
Adrian Raine
Neurobiology of antisocial behavior in children and adults
Jere Behrman
The determinants and impacts of human resources over the life cycle, particularly in developing countries
Sharon Wolf
How children’s family and educational environments shape their academic, social, emotional, and behavioral development, focusing on disadvantaged populations in the United States and in low-income countries
Nazli Bhatia
Negotiation, rhetorical strategies
Marlyse Baptista
Theoretical models of language contact & language emergenc
Robin Clark
Game theory, language dynamics
David Embick
Language and the brain
Matthew Hewett
Reevaluating the nature of syntactic and morphological dependencies
Paloma Jeretic
How meanings are expressed within and across languages, and what this reveals about language in general
Jianjing Kuang
Phonetics, speech production and perception
Julie Anne Legate
Syntactic theory, syntax and morphology of endangered/understudied/typologically interesting languages, language acquisition
Mark Liberman
Speech, language, and communication
Anna Papafragou
Language acquisition and processing, meaning, communication
Gareth Roberts
Language evolution, language change, language variation, cultural evolution, experimental semiotics, social interaction
Katherine Schuler
Understanding how children learn languages (especially aspects of morphology and syntax) and why they are so much better than adults at doing it
Florian Schwarz
How people understand language in context
Meredith Tamminga
Language variation and change, sociolinguistic cognition, quantitative methods
Charles Yang
Language, computation, and cognitive science
Wendy De La Rosa
Using behavioral science to improve consumers’ financial well-being
John McCoy
Judgment and decision making, computational cognitive science, and crowd wisdom
Gideon Nave
Reverse-engineering the decision-making process in humans
Geoffrey K Aguirre
Translational vision science
Anjan Chatterjee
Spatial cognition and language, neuroethics, and neuroaesthetics
H. Branch Coslett
Understanding the architecture and neural bases for human cognition
John Detre
Using functional imaging methods to study brain function
Kathryn A. Davis
Utilizing invasive neurophysiology and neuroimaging to better localize epileptic networks in medication refractory epilepsy patients
Ramon Diaz-Arrastia
Molecular basis or resilience and repair of neural circuits after traumatic brain injury
Jay Gottfried
Using multidisciplinary techniques to elucidate perception, learning, and memory through the lens of the olfactory system
Roy Hamilton
Noninvasive neuromodulation, neuroplasticity, language, treatment interventions for cognitive deficits
Brian Litt
Implantable brain devices to treat disease, epilepsy, machine learning, data mining and cloud computing, neuroimaging, systems neuroscience
Corey McMillan
Biological and cognitive bases of neurodegenerative disease
Dawn Mechanic-Hamilton
Assessment and non-pharmacological intervention in cognitive aging and neurodegenerative diseases
Donna Stephenson
Neurobehavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders including ADHD, autism, Tourette’s syndrome, learning disabilities, and developmental delay
Greg Corder
How does the brain construct the experience of pain?
John Dani
Mechanisms underlying learning, memory, mental disorders, and drug addiction mainly in rodent animal
Joshua Gold
Learning, arousal, and decision-making in the primate brain
Minghong Ma
How the brain perceives and responds to sensory stimuli in health and disease
Bijan Pesaran
Understanding large-scale circuits in the brain and engineering novel brain-based therapies
Brian M. Salzberg
Development of optical tools for studying the brain, including voltage-sensitive dyes and light scattering
Robert Smith
How retinal circuitry processes visual signals
Michael Beauchamp
Neural mechanisms for multisensory integration and visual perception in humans
Brett Foster
Human cognitive neurophysiology
Steven Kimbrough
Computational decision models, whether from nature or artificial
Katherine Milkman
Behavioral economics, judgment and decision making, behavior change
Yale Cohen
Understanding the representation of auditory information in the cortex
Maria Geffen
Cortical mechanisms for auditory perception and learning
Cristina Bicchieri
Behavioral decision science, behavioral ethics, social norms
Gary Hatfield
Philosophy and psychology of visual perception; philosophy and history of psychology
Carlos Gray Santana
Consulting conceptual engineer to the sciences
Daniel J. Singer
Using agent-based computer models to investigate how group agents (including group minds) are constituted by their individual constituents
Michael Weisberg
The construction, development, and analysis of theories and models in computationally complex sciences
Ege Yumuşak
Philosophy of mind, epistemology, and philosophy of language
Michelle Johnson
Robot-mediated rehabilitation; the investigation and rehabilitation of dysfunction
Vijay Balasubramanian
How natural systems manipulate and process information, producing new forms of self-organization
Philip Nelson
Arjun G. Yodh
Development and application of diffuse optical technologies for probing brain physiology
Nick Balderston
Psychophysiology, neuroimaging, neuromodulation for developing and testing brain-behavior hypotheses aimed at understanding the mechanisms that mediate clinical anxiety
Edward (“Ted”) Brodkin
Neurobiology of social behavior development; genomics of autism spectrum disorder; translational and treatment research on autism spectrum disorder
Lily Brown
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Suicide Prevention
Matthew Hocking
Neurodevelopmental consequences of childhood cancer
Henry Kranzler
Genetics and pharmacogenetics of alcohol and drug use disorders
Desmond Oathes
Probing and modulating neural circuits contributing to affective illness using TMS/fMRI, behavior and psychophysiological measures
Iris Paltin
The late effects of pediatric cancer and CNS impacting diseases
Juhi Pandey
Early detection of autism spectrum disorders; brain behavior relationships; developmental trajectories of symptomatology
Ted Satterthwaite
Psychiatric and developmental neuroimaging
Hannah Schofield
Cognitive sequelae of oncology conditions and treatment (e.g., intrathecal chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants)
Yvette Sheline
Identify brain markers of depression and anxiety treatment response across disorders using structural and functional neuroimaging, and improve strategies for brain neuromodulation
Coren Apicella
Evolutionary origins of human social behavior
Jonathan Baron
Actively open-minded thinking, judgments concerning public policy
Sudeep Bhatia
Judgment and decision making, computational/cognitive modelling
David Brainard
Visual perception
Elizabeth Brannon
Cognitive and neural bases of numerical cognition
Johannes Burge
Natural scene statistics, computational vision, depth perception, motion perception
Delphine Dahan
Understanding the workings of the mind when people use language to communicate
Rob DeRubeis
Applications of predictions from linear models and machine learning to precision mental health
Angela Duckworth
Research focuses on two traits that predict achievement: grit and self-control
Russell Epstein
Neural mechanisms underlying high-level vision and spatial navigation
Martha Farah
The interface of neuroscience and society
Lori Flanagan-Cato
Neuroscience as a gateway in STEM outreach
Geoff Goodwin
Moral judgment, social cognition, and thinking
Adrianna Jenkins
Human social cognition and its relationship to other cognitive systems; psychological and neural mechanisms of flexible human social behavior
Michael Kahana
Human memory and its neural mechanisms: especially episodic memory, spatial memory, and recognition memory
Joseph Kable
Understanding how people make decisions, and to trace out the psychological and neural mechanisms of choice
Vera Ludwig
Understanding sexual well-being
Allyson Mackey
Human brain plasticity and development, learning
Barbara Mellers
Judgment and decision making, perceptions of fairness, effects of emotions on choice, contextual effects and response mode effects
Michael Platt
Animal learning and behavior, control of action, decision processes, individual differences and behavior genetics
Ayelet Meron Ruscio
Advance understanding of anxiety and depression by investigating their relationship to one another and to normal emotional experiences
Nicole Rust
Understanding the neural basis of visual memory
Martin Seligman
Prospection and positive psychology
Robert Seyfarth
Animal behavior and cognition
Saul Sternberg
Reaction time methods and models; visual encoding and retrieval; timing; perception of time, temporal order; movement sequence production (speech, typing); memory search; process decomposition
Alan Stocker
Information processing in the brain
Daniel Swingley
Language learning, experiments with infants and toddlers, models of perceptual category learning, phonetics of child-directed speech, word learning in infants and children
Philip Tetlock
Political cognition
Sharon Thompson-Schill
Biological bases of human cognitive systems – perception, memory, language, thought, cognitive control – and the interrelations among these systems
John Trueswell
Word learning, grammar learning, and real-time language comprehension
Rebecca Waller
The developmental origins of antisocial behavior, including the neural processes underlying risk for aggression, callousness, and substance use
Donovan Schaefer
Affect theory, role of emotion in knowledge production
Desmond Patton
Impact of social media on well-being, mental health, trauma, violence and grief for youth and adults of color