We will also stream this seminar via Zoom.
For the Zoom link, please contact us: pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu
Andrew Hein
Department of Computational Biology
Cornell University
Behavioral algorithms: searching for principles of flexible, robust behavior in the natural world
A dominant paradigm in the analysis of behavior is to separate “the brain” of an individual from “the environment” to which that individual is responding. Yet, in nature, many behaviors involve interactions with other organisms that are, themselves, generating dynamic and responsive behavior. The existence of such feedbacks between interacting brains significantly complicates analysis and interpretation of natural behavior, but these feedbacks are also undoubtedly important in driving the evolution of behavior and the neural computations that support it. My lab studies how organisms make decisions during ecological interactions — interactions with predators, prey, group-mates, and competitors. In this context, feedbacks abound, and the challenge for the brain is generating behaviors that are responsive while at the same time being robust and controllable. I will discuss our investigations in this area and some of the principles they are beginning to reveal.
A pizza lunch will be served. Please bring your own beverage.
This is a joint seminar with Penn’s Data-Driven Discovery Initiative (DDDI).