Events / Demystifying the BRAIN Initiative® Program

Demystifying the BRAIN Initiative® Program

April 19, 2022
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

online offering

E.A.R.S. (Electronic Auditory Research Seminars)
Demystifying the BRAIN Initiative® Program: Guidance to Potential NIDCD Applicants


This special session will focus on BRAIN Initiative funding for NIDCD applicants.


Please pre-register (for free) and tune in via Crowdcast (enter your email to receive the link for the talk):
Note: for optimal performance, we recommend using Google Chrome as your browser.


Organizers: Dr. Merav Sabri, Dr. Amy Poremba
Presenters: Dr. Maria Geffen (University of Pennsylvania), Dr. Stephen David (OHSU), Dr. Dmitry Rinberg (New York University)