Event Category: All Events

  • Category All Events
  • From January 1, 2018
  • To November 30, 2022

Bruce McEwen Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology The Rockefeller University   Craig McEwen Department of Sociology Bowdoin College   Topic: The eminent neuroscientist and his sociologist brother discuss stress, the brain, and inequality   Penn grad students, postdocs, and RAs, you are invited to lunch with interesting guests. Not a talk – they’ll take 10 minutes to […]

Simon Eickhoff Institute for Systems Neuroscience Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf   From areas and networks to individual predictions   The long predominant paradigm in neuroimaging has been to compare (mean) local volume or activity between groups, or to correlate these to behavioral phenotypes. Such approach, however, is intrinsically limited in terms of possible insight into inter-individual […]

Tyler Knowlton Department of Linguistics University of Maryland   The psychological treatment of (universal) quantification    We often think of quantifiers like “each” and “every” as expressing a relation between two sets. On this view, the meaning of “each/every circle is green” is something like “the circles are a subset of the green things”. This […]