Event Category: MindCORE Seminar Series

  • Category MindCORE Seminar Series
  • From January 1, 2018
  • To July 11, 2024

This seminar will be held via Zoom. Please join us in the SAIL Room for a pizza lunch and group session, or, to attend remotely please contact us for the Zoom link: pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu   Mariam Aly Department of Psychology Columbia University   How hippocampal memory shapes, and is shaped by, attention   Attention modulates what […]

We will also stream this seminar via Zoom. For the link, contact us: pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu   Dylan Gee Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry Yale University   Early Experiences and Brain Development: Leveraging Developmental Neuroscience to Promote Youth Mental Health   Early adversity is a potent risk factor for the onset and exacerbation of psychopathology. Delineating neurobiological processes […]

We will also stream this seminar via Zoom. For the link, contact us: pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu   Adrienne Fairhall Department of Physiology and Biophysics Co-director, Institute for Neuroengineering University of Washington   Variability, learning and robustness in birdsong   The songbird zebra finch is an exemplary model system in which to study trial-and-error learning, as the bird learns its single […]

We will also stream this seminar via Zoom. For the link, please contact us: pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu   Jared Medina Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences University of Delaware   Touch, Embodiment and Plasticity: Understanding Body Representations   Research on body perception has led to the concept of a “body schema” – an online, multisensory representation of the […]

We will also stream this seminar via Zoom. For the link, contact us: pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu   Jennifer Morton Presidential Compact Associate Professor of Philosophy University of Pennsylvania   Interpreting Obstacles   The pursuit of challenging, long-term goals is characterized by our frequent encounters with setbacks and challenges that threaten our confidence. In other work, Sarah Paul and […]