We will also stream this seminar via Zoom. For the Zoom link, please contact us: pennmindcore@sas.upenn.edu Andrew Hein Department of Computational Biology Cornell University Behavioral algorithms: searching for principles of flexible, robust behavior in the natural world A dominant paradigm in the analysis of behavior is to separate “the brain” of an […]
Join us to watch Project Nim, and participate in a discussion moderated by Psychology graduate student Victor Gomes. Light snacks will be provided.
Cesko Voeten Department of Linguistics University of Pennsylvania Changes in the Philadelphia accent from the perspective of natural selection Next to being used as a system for communication, language additionally conveys a large amount of social information. In the literature on language change, there is agreement that this social function of language plays […]
Albert Kim Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab University of Colorado Real time human language comprehension: Predictive processing in an unpredictable world In order to comprehend human language in real time, readers and listeners make predictions about the upcoming linguistic input. Predictions enable comprehenders to prepare in advance for rapidly unfolding, pervasively ambiguous linguistic […]