
Mixed-effects regression models have been a popular choice of statistical analysis in experimental psychology and linguistics research. While they’ve historically been developed and taught in R (namely, via the lme4 package), a newer implementation in the Julia programming language called MixedModels.jl has emerged and matured as a successor. The MixedModels.jl Julia library preserves much of the familiar interface from […]

This seminar will be presented via Zoom. For the Zoom link, please contact:   Kristian Steensen Nielsen Department of Management, Society and Communication Copenhagen Business School   Behavioral research on climate change mitigation   Addressing climate change requires unprecedented societal transformations within a short time frame. Behavioral science has an important role to play […]

LDC Institute

December 1, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

David Temperley Eastman School of Music   In person: LDC Conference Room (Room 135), 3600 Market Street, Suite 810   For the Zoom link, please email:   Repetition and Information Flow in Music and Language   The theory of Uniform Information Density makes two predictions regarding the use of repetition: (1) when a pattern […]