
In this workshop we will look at the basics of making publication-ready diagrams and figures. We will cover tools for making scientific diagrams like Adobe Illustrator, as well as provide short, beginner-friendly tutorials on the basics of plotting data in MATLAB, R (with and without ggplot2), and python. This should be helpful for both beginners […]

Location: Room 200 Goddard Labs, 3710 Hamilton Walk   Isaac Chen Department of Neurosurgery University of Pennsylvania   Penn grad students, postdocs and RAs, you are invited to lunch with interesting guests. Not a talk – they’ll take 10 minutes to introduce their work, then it’s pure conversation. Sandwiches and drinks served.   Dr. Issac Chen is […]

    In this session, we’ll discuss the elements of an effective presentation including how to tell a compelling story, best practices for slide design, and improving confidence in your delivery. Depending on the number of attendees, we hope to have time for a hands-on working session, so come prepared with your specific questions and […]