
Location: Room 200 Goddard Labs, 3710 Hamilton Walk   Isaac Chen Department of Neurosurgery University of Pennsylvania   Penn grad students, postdocs and RAs, you are invited to lunch with interesting guests. Not a talk – they’ll take 10 minutes to introduce their work, then it’s pure conversation. Sandwiches and drinks served.   Dr. Issac Chen is […]

    In this session, we’ll discuss the elements of an effective presentation including how to tell a compelling story, best practices for slide design, and improving confidence in your delivery. Depending on the number of attendees, we hope to have time for a hands-on working session, so come prepared with your specific questions and […]

Location: Room 357 Levin Building   Douglas Guilbeault Network Dynamics Group University of Pennsylvania   The Network Dynamics of Category Formation   How do societies develop categories for continuous sets of novel phenomena, as in the domains of art, science, and technology? Seminal work in cognitive science argues that given the same stimuli, people can […]

Christian Ruff Professor of Neuroeconomics and Decision Neuroscience University of Zurich   Dazed and confused? Neuro-computational origins of variability in goal-directed behavior   Goal-directed choices can vary strongly across time, even when the choice options remain constant. Classical behavioral choice models from psychology and economics subsume this variability in unspecific noise terms that have no clearly defined mental basis. In this […]