
ILST seminar: Jesse Snedeker

April 19, 2019
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Jesse Snedeker Department of Psychology Harvard University   Meaning First:  How conceptual structure could serve as the developmental and phylogenetic starting point for language   This will be a speculative, wide ranging talk on a framework theory about how conceptual structures could carry most the weight in both language development and language evolution.   I’ll argue […]

Location: Room 357 Levin Building   Feng Sheng and Scott Rennie Wharton Neuroscience Initiative University of Pennsylvania   The neuroscience of branding   Brands are a relatively recent symbolic system. How brands, and the companies they represent, are processed in the human brain remains poorly understood. Here in two fMRI studies, we try to answer […]

Anna Papafragou Language and Cognition Lab University of Delaware   From conceptual representations to linguistic meaning   A standard assumption within psycholinguistics is that the act of speaking begins with the preverbal, conceptual apprehension of an event or state of affairs that the speaker intends to talk about. Nevertheless, the way conceptual representations are formed […]