Graduate students and postdocs are encouraged to join the speaker for lunch after the seminar. To sign up for a spot, please email: Jacob Beck York Research Chair, Philosophy of Visual Perception Department of Philosophy York University Resurrecting a Primary–Secondary Quality Distinction In the 17th century, thinkers such as Galileo, Boyle, […]
Jonathan David Bobaljik Harvard University The Itelmen Inclusive Imperative: Composing Clusivity he Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages have a complex agreement pattern that includes both prefixes (marking subjects) and suffixes (marking transitive objects or intransitive subjects). Intransitive subjects are thus doubly marked, once by the prefix and again by the suffix. Older texts show a previously […]
Jiayi Lu University of Pennslyvania Probing the satiation of island effects Certain structural domains in sentences have been found to restrict syntactic operations (e.g., movements), a phenomenon termed the “island effect”. Recent work has revealed that some island-violated sentences, which are traditionally considered ungrammatical, are susceptible to satiation, an effect whereby speakers come […]
Graduate students and postdocs are encouraged to join the speaker for lunch after the seminar. To sign up for a spot, please email: Angeles Salles Department of Biological Sciences University of Illinois, Chicago Social Behavior and Acoustic Communication in Bats Bats are auditory specialists, using acoustic signals to guide their behaviors, […]