
Location: Room 357 Levin Building   Feng Sheng and Scott Rennie Wharton Neuroscience Initiative University of Pennsylvania   The neuroscience of branding   Brands are a relatively recent symbolic system. How brands, and the companies they represent, are processed in the human brain remains poorly understood. Here in two fMRI studies, we try to answer […]

Anna Papafragou Language and Cognition Lab University of Delaware   From conceptual representations to linguistic meaning   A standard assumption within psycholinguistics is that the act of speaking begins with the preverbal, conceptual apprehension of an event or state of affairs that the speaker intends to talk about. Nevertheless, the way conceptual representations are formed […]

Anscombe Archive Conference on Mind & Action Friday, April 26, 2019 – 10:30am to Sunday, April 28, 2019 – 12:00pm First Anscombe Archive Conference on Mind & Action, with talks from Prof. Michael Bratman, Prof. Jennifer Ann Frey, Prof. Ellen Fridland, Prof. Jennifer Hornsby, Prof. Richard Moran, Prof. Susanna Schellenberg, Prof. John Schwenkler, Prof. Kieran […]

CNI seminar: Tatiana Engel

April 30, 2019
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tatiana Engel Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory   Discovering dynamic states of neural populations   Neural responses and behavior are influenced by internal brain states, such as arousal or task context. Ongoing variations of these internal states affect global patterns of neural activity, giving rise to apparent variability of neural responses under the same experimental conditions. […]