Event Category: All Events

  • Category All Events
  • From January 1, 2018
  • To August 9, 2023

Marlyse Baptista Department of Linguistics University of Michigan   Cognition and language emergence: A focus on Creole genesis   Creole languages typically emerge in multilingual settings involving dramatic power differentials between the populations in contact, as in the case of enslavement, indentured or migrant labor. They result from the multiple, complex social factors and linguistic […]

Philippe Schlenker Directeur de Recherche, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris Global Distinguished Professor, New York University   Click here to register!   Combining Logic and Iconicity in Sign Language Semantics   It has long been accepted that sign language (i) employs the same logical structures as spoken language (occasionally making its abstract components overt), and simultaneously […]

ILST seminar: Rafael Ventura

April 29, 2022
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Rafael Ventura SCEW Postdoc/MindCORE   via Zoom   Drift and Selection in Language Change   Over half a century ago, George Zipf observed that more frequent words tend to be older. Corpus studies since then have confirmed this pattern, with frequent words being replaced and regularizing less often. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to […]

Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM*) 2   Organizers: Anna Papafragou and Florian Schwarz, Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania Email: organizers@elm-conference.net Twitter: @ELM_Conference   The second Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM) conference will be held at the University of Pennsylvania on May 19-21, 2022. The conference is dedicated to the experimental study of linguistic meaning broadly construed, with […]