Event Category: All Events

ILST seminar: Kajsa Djärv

April 5, 2019
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Kajsa Djärv Department of Linguistics University of Pennsylvania   Factive verbs: a multi-dimensional approach to the syntax and meaning of assertion and presupposition   This talk looks at sentences like (1), which involve finite that-clauses embedded under different classes of verbs.   (1) John {said, believes, doubts, resents, discovered} that Mary likes Kraftwerk.   Semantically, […]

CNI seminar: Judith Hirsch

April 9, 2019
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Judith Hirsch Department of Biological Sciences USC   Understanding how inhibitory circuits in the thalamus contribute to vision   The thalamus is often viewed as a gatekeeper, relaying sensory signals to the cortex during waking and halting their flow during sleep. While true, this is an impoverished description. Our work explores how circuits in the […]

  Location: BRB 14th Floor Lounge, 421 Curie Boulevard   Marcia K. Johnson Sterling Professor Emerita, Yale University Franklin Award Winner 2019, Computer and Cognitive Science   “Memory and Reality”   Marcia Johnson is being honored by the Franklin Institute for her pioneering theories, the Multiple-Entry, Modular memory system (MEM) and the Source Monitoring Framework […]

Anita Allen Department of Philosophy University of Pennsylvania   Location: ARCH Building, Room 208 (3601 Locust Walk)   Personality, Privacy, and the Standing of Art   Which is more important, privacy or art? Personality or commerce?  The answer the law gives is clear: professional art and commerce trump privacy and personality. Arne Svenson is a fine […]