Event Category: All Events

  • Category All Events
  • From January 1, 2018
  • To August 9, 2022

Location: Room 357 Levin Building   Lacey Wade Department of Linguistics University of Pennsylvania   Speakers converge to linguistic variants they don’t hear: The case of the Southern /ay/ vowel   It has been well established that language users shift the way they speak to become more similar to their interlocutors, known as convergence. Studies […]

Aaron Batista Department of Bioengineering University of Pittsburgh   How Neural Population Activity Reorganizes with Learning   Learning is difficult. Why? Your brain must change somehow to endow you with new knowledge and skills. We don’t yet know how exactly new knowledge is stored in the brain, let alone why this process takes time. We […]

ILST seminar: Gaja Jarosz

April 12, 2019
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Gaja Jarosz Department of Linguistics UMass Amherst   Generalizing Phonological Hidden Structure   Language acquisition proceeds on the basis of incomplete, ambiguous linguistic input, and one source of this ambiguity is hidden phonological structure. Due to recent developments in computational modeling of phonological learning, there now exist numerous approaches for learning of various kinds of […]

Anita Allen Henry R. Silverman Professor of Law and Philosophy University of Pennsylvania   Location: Claudia Cohen Hall, Room 402   Toward a Philosophy of Privacy   Global human life has gone digital.  In the current period of rapid change, academically trained philosophers should be in the business of identifying conceptual and normative issues created by […]

Bradley C. Love Professor, Cognitive and Decision Sciences University College London   Location: JMHH 340 (Huntsman Hall, 3730 Walnut Street)   Coherency Seeking as a Driver of Preference In uncertain environments, effective decision makers balance exploiting options that are currently preferred against exploring alternative options that may prove superior. For example, a honeybee foraging for […]