Event Category: All Events

  • Category All Events
  • From January 1, 2018
  • To June 5, 2023

Michael Nachman Department of Biology UC Berkeley   The Genomic Basis of Environmental Adaptation in House Mice   A major goal in biology is to understand the genetic details of how organisms adapt to novel environments. I will discuss recent studies on the genetic basis of environmental adaptation in mice which have recently colonized North […]

John McCoy Department of Marketing University of Pennsylvania   Distilling more wisdom from a crowd   In many situations, from economists predicting unemployment rates to chemists judging fuel safety, individuals have differing opinions or predictions. We consider the crowd-wisdom problem of aggregating the judgments of multiple individuals on a single question, when no outside information […]

ILST Seminar Series: Betsy Sneller

September 20, 2019
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Betsy Sneller Annenberg School for Communication Georgetown University   Acquisition of sociolinguistic variation   Sociolinguistic variation exists in every natural language and exhibits orderly heterogeneity within (e.g. style) and across (e.g. identity) speakers. In order to fully acquire a language, a child must learn the language’s variation patterns. How children acquire probabilistic variation remains an […]