Event Category: All Events

  • Category All Events
  • From January 1, 2018
  • To November 14, 2019

CNI seminar: Janaki Sheth

September 24, 2019
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Janaki Sheth Department of Physics and Astronomy UCLA   Mapping neural signals to text and Fluctuation analysis of the inner ear’s active dynamics   An important topic in current sensory neuroscience research is studying the production and audition of speech. In this regard, I will elucidate my contribution in a brain-computer interface project, wherein we […]

Jeffrey Good Department of Biology University of Montana   The evolution of seasonal camouflage   Adaptation to environmental change is central to the origin and persistence of species. Mismatches between the timing of key life history events and optimal environmental conditions have emerged as an important threat to biodiversity, yet the evolutionary dynamics of most […]

Anna Schapiro Department of Psychology University of Pennsylvania   Learning and consolidating patterns in experience   There is a fundamental tension between storing discrete traces of individual experiences, which allows recall of particular moments in our past without interference, and extracting regularities across these experiences, which supports generalization and prediction in similar situations in the […]

Uriel Cohen Priva Cognitive, Linguistic, & Psychological Sciences Brown University   Understanding lenition through its causal structure   Consonant lenition refers to a list of seemingly unrelated processes that are grouped together by their tendency to occur in similar environments (e.g. intervocalically) and under similar conditions (e.g. in faster speech). These processes typically include degemination, […]

Angela Potochnik Department of Philosophy University of Cincinnati   Our World Isn’t Organized into Levels   Levels of organization and their use in science have received increased philosophical attention of late, including challenges to the well-foundedness or widespread usefulness of levels concepts. One kind of response to these challenges has been to advocate a more precise […]