
ILST seminar: Aletheia Cui

February 15, 2019
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Alethia Cui Department of Linguistics University of Pennsylvania   Minimal Pairs and the Emergence of Phonological Categories   Phonological categories form a system of contrast in the lexicon. In phonological analysis, minimal pairs are used to diagnose whether two speech sounds are phonemes. Although statistical learning has been popular as an explanation for phonological acquisition, […]

Sam Gershman Department of Psychology Center for Brain Science Harvard University   The compositional nature of human function learning   How do people recognize and learn about complex functional structure? Taking inspiration from other areas of cognitive science, I argue that this is achieved by harnessing compositionality: complex structure is decomposed into simpler building blocks. […]

CNI seminar: Flavia Vitale

February 19, 2019
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Flavia Vitale Department of Neurology University of Pennsylvania   When nano meets neuro: high-resolution interfaces for multimodal mapping neural circuit dynamics   Unraveling neural processes underlying cognition, sensation, volitional movement, neurological and neuromuscular diseases requires decoding the activity of millions of neurons at millisecond resolution, over months to years and without inducing foreign-body reactions. These […]