
John Krakauer Professor of Neurology, Neuroscience, & Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine   Exploring the cognitive-motor interface: motor skill, movement imitation, and procedural memory   The notion of motor skill will be discussed, along with experimental results addressing it. Then I will discuss the basis for ability to imitate and […]

ILST seminar: Ollie Sayeed

February 8, 2019
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Ollie Sayeed Department of Linguistics University of Pennsylvania   Why most languages aren’t chaotic evil   Grammarians in the classical tradition (e.g. Priscian 500 CE) thought of grammar as a set of analogical relationships between whole words organized into paradigms. More recent work in the framework of Word and Paradigm Morphology (e.g. Blevins 2016) has […]

MindCORE Open Science Workshop Hosted by MindCORE fellow Julia Leonard   Come learn about why “open science” is making a splash in psychological sciences and how you can take part in it! In this workshop we will first discuss the challenges for rigor and reproducibility in psychological sciences. In the second part of this workshop we will […]